Nothing but bad news....
- The Dow dropped 4.2% yesterday to 6763.29, its lowest close since April 1997.
- The Dow lost more than half its value since its high in October 2007.
- Citigroup dropped 20% and General Electric dropped 11%.
- The Institute for Supply Management said its measure of manufacturers' employment plans fell to its lowest level since monthly records began in 1948.
- Toyota Financial Services requested bailout funding from the state agency Japan Bank for International Cooperation-- they are asking the Japanese government for as much as $2 billion in emergency loans.
- The Commerce Department reported that construction spending declined 3.3% in January, but for the first time since the housing bust began the drops in nonresidential construction outpaced the fall in the residential sector.
- Gartner said that the personal computer industry “will experience its sharpest unit decline in history,” with worldwide PC shipments set to decline 11.9%.
- MBIA released 2008 results Monday, saying it lost $2.67 billion, up sharply from losses of $1.92 billion a year earlier.
- Of the 1.98 billion shares changing hands on the Big Board, just 38 million represents advancing volume, and the advances trailed declines, 185 to 2,934

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