Monday, December 22, 2008

Final CNBC Bonus Bucks Trivia Answers for Monday, December 22

Final CNBC Bonus Bucks Trivia Answers for Monday, December 22

Squawk Box
Question: On Friday, options expert Rebecca Darst said which bank's downside had "far outpaced the decline" in the financials?
Answer: HSBC

Squawk on the Street
Question: According to the article "Numbers Cruncher Says Madoff Math Didn't Add Up" who voiced suspicions to the SEC in 1999?
Answer: Harry Markopolos

The Call
Question: According to "Cramer's Call on Chemicals" (on Dec. 18), which stock would Jim Cramer prefer?
Answer: PPG

Power Lunch
Question: In the "Market Tips" feature entitled "Hold Three Things - Bonds, Gold, Silver" which expert(s) recommended bonds?
Answer: Robert Kessler

Street Signs
Question: Web video hunt: In Rebecca Jarvis' Dec. 18 report, "Four Charged with Insider Trading", where did the "husband" work?
Answer: Lehman Bros.

The Closing Bell
Question: According to Darren Rovell's blog, how many fewer paper holiday greeting cards did he receive in 2008 vs. 2007?
Answer: 93

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