Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Final CNBC Bonus Bucks Trivia Answers for Tuesday, December 9

Squawk Box
Question: Which auto supplier's April options did Jon Najarian write about on Monday?
Answer: Goodyear

Squawk on the Street
Question: According to the story, Obama's Stimulus Proposal Lifts Infrastructure Stocks, which company does Tom Busby like?
Answer: Microsoft

The Call
Question: Jim Goldman reported Monday that Wal-Mart will be selling Apple's iPhone for how much?
Answer: no price set yet

Power Lunch
Question: In the blog post "3 Ways To Kill Your Dream Retirement" what is Mistake Number 3?
Answer: Not paying attention to investments

Street Signs
Question: John Harwood's article about President-elect Obama, "Leaning Left, Persuading Right" mentions which iconic president?
Answer: Theodore Roosevelt

Closing Bell
Question: On Dec. 8, how many jobs did 3M say it would cut in the fourth quarter?
Answer: 1,800

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